Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'll Have The Fish Balls, Hold the Mayo Please...

"Poisonous Fish Testicles Send 7 Japanese Diners to Hospital"

People eat fish balls?

It intrigues me to think that someone actually sat there and thought out the removal and preparation of blowfish testicles. And with the added bonus of having people pay for it...I'm pretty sure this guy was a sadist.

I actually don't feel sorry for these donuts that got sick. As my great granny used to say "If you put rotten balls in your mouth, you're gonna get sick." Actually, she would never say that but it sounds like good advice for more than one situation...


Anonymous said...

Can I get a drano cocktail with that?

Metro said...

I always wonder who got to try fugu until they finally figured out which bits had to be removed to make it safe?