Wednesday, April 16, 2008

And The Emmy Goes To...

"Inside the polygamist 'underage sex cult': Pictures show the grief of mothers who had their children taken away"

This bitch in the first photo is totally going for the Emmy this year. What an actress! I saw her in 2 different interviews the past 2 days and she is so full of shit. When she got pressed about the child sex accusations, she totally tried to plead the fifth and basically took a "no comment" stance. She was with a few other women this morning on Good Morning America and was totally overacting the "grief" she felt. It was so transparent. I do believe that these women are fundamentally brainwashed and in need of psychiatric care as well as the children. BUT, how are you going to sit there and deny that child molestation is not happening when there are 12 and 13 year old girls that were pulled from the compound that are knocked up. HELLO! They totally knew what was going on because they saw it and they went through it themselves...


Slave to the dogs said...

They were on the Today show this morning too. They all sounded a little retarded to me. Pretty sad.

Pugs said...

It's funny you should say that. A couple other people have told me the same thing!