Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Does This Coffin Make Me Look Fat?...

"Woman Who Weighed 27 Pounds Finally Gaining Weight"


This is one disease that I really don't get. If you're stupid enough to starve yourself, then go ahead and do so. If the fact that you can't pick yourself up out of a chair or the couch (because you're so damn brittle and thin) escapes you, If the fact that your shitting yourself from all the laxatives you ingest escapes you, If the fact that your teeth are rotting out of your God damn head and your breath smells to high heaven because you keep making your self puke escapes you, then by all means, waste away. I couldn't care less. There are people starving out there from poverty who deserve our sympathy more than some douchebag who thinks they are fat and won't eat. Good grief...


Slave to the dogs said...

Yep, I'm twisted. I was disappointed that the article didn't show a picture of her.

Pugs said...

I know. I was totally picturing some sinister meth-face looking creature.