Friday, April 25, 2008

Punching Bags Now Come With Wheels!...

"Bush Heckler Arrested After Punching Wheelchair-Bound Girl",2933,352498,00.html

LOL! Oh how the world today leaves no stone unturned. This is seriously outrageous yet, quite ironic. Bush has been punching our collective wheel chaired bound asses for 8 years now...

I say this guy goes to court and presents his case as an artistic representation of society and the Bush regime...Genius!...

1 comment:

Slave to the dogs said...

Holy hell, that guy is a creep. Bush may be a terrible president but his wife seems like an extremely patient and gracious lady. Blaming her for Dubya's mistakes is even worse than giving Hillary credit for Bill's successes.

I like your idea for his defense though, that would be fun to watch unfold. How many people would jump on board just because they hate Bush so much?