Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dumbass Kids...

"8 Teens Charged With Attacking Girl for YouTube Video"


I actually watched this video this morning and all I wanted to do was beat the shit out of the idiots that were ganging up on the 16 year old. Stupid, senseless and plain idiotic. I hope these girls get their asses sentenced to some hardcore time because this video was pretty brutal. The girl even tried to escape and they blocked the door and kept punching her in the head, hard. What the hell is wrong with these fucking kids?...

1 comment:

Slave to the dogs said...

I watched some of the video on the Today Show this morning. They were interviewing the mother of the girl whose house it was and she was totally making excuses for her daugher. Disgusting. I'd ship my kid off to military school if they pulled something like this.