Tuesday, October 7, 2008


"Ohio Homeless Driven to Polls to Vote Obama"

I suspected something like this (here also) was going on during the primaries, as I found it highly coincidental that Obama won every single caucus. Shady...

Some more shade:

Ex-generals cry foul over pro-Obama video

CHICAGO: Prosecutors seek to delay sentencing for Chicago money man, suggesting felon linked to Barack Obama has secrets to share.

Jerome Corsi, anti-Obama author, detained in Kenya


GMichael said...


In this election season, the Republican Party has stepped up its efforts to restrict the franchise around the country, intimidating voters, purging voter rolls, filing dubious claims in court. (Occasionally, Democrats also get caught in acts of voter suppression, but that's rare. Democrats usually win elections when more people vote, not fewer.) The GOP's brand is in tatters, dragged down by an incompetent president, an unpopular war and a sickly economy. So the party seems to be pinning its hopes on keeping likely Democrats - people of color, the poor, college students - away from the polls.

But that tactic seems unlikely to be enough to prevent Democrats from gaining seats in Congress and the Senate, if not the White House. Democrats are registering in record numbers in this campaign season, and the GOP can't intimidate or eliminate enough of them to make a difference. The smell of corruption and cynicism emanating from the effort to disenfranchise voters is finally too noticeable too ignore. The GOP is just ensuring that its brand remains sullied.


Hope Not Fear

Middle Class First

Obama '08

Anonymous said...

It's disenfranchised mr gmichael. Franchised is someone who is proprietor of a McDonald's. I think you are a little too gung-ho there. The only fear I have is that this guy is talking shit just to get elected.

Anonymous said...


Metro said...

The first three stories all seem to be using the name "Obama" for headline trolling effect, or possibly to pander to their readers. The stories don't really have anything to do with the Obama campaign.

As to the fourth, Corsi arrived in Kenya with the wrong papers. He'd have been detained and punted from the US under the same circumstances too, if he was lucky.

And in any case calling him an "author" is missing what he really is: a loony rumour recycler. He sourced all his info on the school Obama attended as a boy from a bar owner. Now that's authoritative!

@spell checker:
Where did gmichael use the term "franchise" inappropriately? The right to vote is the right to sovereign franchise.

Someone who runs a McDonalds would be a franchisee.

Metro said...

By the way, you may wish to read this if allegations of voter fraud disturb you.

Pugs said...

Sorry Metro. I believe that article like I believe Obama will actually change the country like he preaches.

We hear all this shit every election cycle and yet, nothing changes. The democrats blame everything on the repubs and vice versa, yet both fucks vote on all this shit at the same time. I have yet to see where every democrat and every republican voted the same way for every issues. There are always fringe voters in each party yet we never hear about them.

They all say shit to make themselves look good but don't have a damn clue how to fix anything. I say get rid of all these assholes every 4 years. TERM LIMITS!