Friday, June 27, 2008

No Sex With Kids...

"Romania Allows 11-Year-Old Alleged Rape Victim to Have Late Abortion"

Some people are seriously deranged. What motivates someone to rape a child?...

This is truly a sad situation. First of all, anyone that gets off on getting off with kids is a fucking gross pig. I don't see how anyone can find sex with a child erotic in ANY way. It's so taboo that even the thought of it makes me squirm.

So, this got me thinking, marrying off your children back in the "old days" was completely acceptable. You had children as young as 12 getting hitched and sent to live with their new found spouse by themselves. When did society start to turn on this one and decide that it was not okay to pimp out your child to the highest bidder? When did we all of a sudden get a conscience and say, "Hey, this is not acceptable."?

I would agree with the parents and the child, for that matter, in this case, in that , I think she would be terribly traumatized with 1) having to go through the birthing process at such a young age 2) the stigma of having had a child in her community and school and 3) having to look at that child everyday and know that he/she was a product of a dirty little secret that she once had to hold inside of herself, literally.

Then you have these anti-abortion zealots who are supposedly thinking of the unborn child but in all actuality, they are thinking of themselves and passing judgement and their own moral compass onto others. You get this with groups condemning homosexuality all the time as well.

I actually got into an argument in college with some anti-abortion protesters once in the Student Union building. They were showing pictures of abortions right there in the Union and they were very graphic and all I could think of was how perverted the whole staging of the protest was. They came off as bullying people into conforming with their religious beliefs and it was pretty scary. So I asked the guy who was handing out the fliers if he knew exactly why that particular child was aborted and he actually responded that he didn't care, it was just wrong to kill a baby. I was dumbfounded. I then asked if he was going to support that child when it came out and he said that wasn't his decision to make and that the parents of the child needed to take responsibility for their actions. So I asked him "What if she was raped?" and I can't really remember anything more of what was said because he started in on me about Jesus and religion and the "Bible says this", etc. It's funny how these religious groups always start in with "the Bible says" crap. I wonder what society would be like if we all lived the literal translations of The Good Book.

Come to think of it, I always wondered why they allowed that to take place in the Union actually...

1 comment:

Metro said...

"When did society start to turn on this one and decide that it was not okay to pimp out your child to the highest bidder?"

When we started making enough money to put a little by for more than the daily essentials. In an agrarian society, a woman's value primarily lies just below her bellybutton. She can't do the fieldwork a man can, and if her mother's alive then there's already someone to handle the woman's work, so she's a superfluous economic production unit. If money's tight, then the priority is to get that extra mouth into somone else's farmyard.

That's one of the reasons bastardy has always been such a stigma to the mother--it brought home another dependant without means of support.

Next time you talk to one of these "A whole Bible, not a Bible full of holes" types, ask them if they interpret scripture literally. Does the Bible mean exactly what it says or is it allegory?

If they answer yes, ask them if they eat pork.
Do they play football or darts? (Leviticus again--handling the carcass of an unclean animal [pigskin/bristles])
Do they believe a child should be killed for swearing at their parents? (Guess which book?)

If at any point they say "Well what that means is ..." then you have them. They're now interpreting scripture and cannot be taken seriously.