Tuesday, May 13, 2008

He Does Look Like Curious George Actually...

"Cobb bar protested as racist for Obama T-shirts"


Oh my! LOL! Pretty rude but funny all the same. If you look at the guys signs you have to take it with a grain of salt...


Slave to the dogs said...

That is funny - I think it's the ears!

His signs remind me a little bit of the A&W in Frisco.

Metro said...

Sure, he's #%$^ing hilarious. Because comparing a black person to a monkey surely isn't a bad thing in Jee-awjah?

Guy's a Reptard. Hell, so are his customers:

"It's the one place I can go without having to worry if I'm offending anybody."

I'm thinking Really? You have to wander through the entire rest of your life worried that you're offending somebody and a Reptard bar is your only refuge from your anxiety?

Wouldn't simply learning to treat folks with a little respect help?

How about some Paxil?

Pugs said...

LOL! Great observation Metro. I saw a video of the people who are now picketing the place and I had to laugh because they all looked seriously pissed and the town folk looked genuinely perplexed as to why they were there.