Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Many Moons Ago I Came Up With This Stupid Idea...

"Judge Calls Indian 'Tribe' Bogus, Orders It to Pay Damages"


LOL. Now, I wonder if they just hold their tribal council meetings at a fast food restaurant or actually own the greasy spoon? And what fast food restaurant is it exactly? Burger King? Popeye's? Oh God please don't let it be a defunct Kenny Roger's Roasters! I love how the actual tribe is so nonchalant about the whole thing. Like they go through this shit everyday. Maybe I should Google myself into the Hilton or Hearst families just for the free hotel nights and free newspapers. I could then sue Paris for cruel and unusual punishment for having to carry the family name in the shadow of shame from her numerous crappy songs on that God forsaken album she heaped upon us. I'm still mad about that hour I lost actually listening to it, and that was 2 years ago!...

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