Thursday, May 15, 2008


"Fast-Food Workers Spit In Customer Drinks"

I think the punishment for these chick should be to eat a hamburger that the customer rubbed between their ass lips. I love Sonic but now I will think twice before I order that Ocean Water or Cherry Lime-Aid! Then again, maybe the customer was a total douche over that little speaker phone and ordered something complicated like a Coney with no cheese. I would have expected this from a KFC but not from a Sonic!...

1 comment:

Metro said...

I worked at a Burger King where my manager spit on a customer's Burger. And we watched him do it and said nothing because the customer was very, very wrong. The phrase "drunken @$$#013" barely begins to cover it.

To this day I am exceedingly polite to fast-food workers, and I never get drive-through.