Friday, May 30, 2008

My Toilet Is Backed Up, Can I Use You?...

"The tape's not a fake, R. Kelly jury hears"


This gross child rapist will do and say anything to get off, literally.

The conspiracy theories abound on the part of the defense in this case. First they were trying to say that it's not him because R. Kelly has a mole on his back and the perv in the video doesn't have one. Now they are saying that it's all computer generated to make it look like him. What is this? A bad episode of fucking Law and Order? Why doesn't the prosecution say that maybe the mole was removed by special effects editing? That would be interesting. And seriously, we're talking 10 years ago at the very least. For someone to have access to those kinds of editing programs back then would have cost a fortune and take so much time. I doubt anyone would have the resources or the drive to do that.

I truly hope that they convict this pig. He even pisses on the girl at the end of the video. So nasty...

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