Friday, May 9, 2008

Open Mouth, Insert Foot...

"Clinton Touts White Support"

LOL. Classic quotes:

"...the party could not win in November with just “eggheads and African-Americans,”..."
"...she’d chugged down many a beer with Joe and Jane “six-pack” in an effort to woo white voters..."

So now I have a new name to call you Obama supporters: Eggheads!


Slave to the dogs said...

Ugh, pundits are idiots. Under Begala's logic, Hillary wouldn't even vote for herself, she'd vote for Obama. And Jane six-pack? Ha.

Since when does simply finishing college push you up and out of the middle class?

My caucus here in Colorado was pretty interesting. There were a ton of women supporting Obama but I didn't see a single black person wearing a Hillary button. Neither did I see a latino supporting Obama.

Of course, this is one extremely white state and Obama still managed to beat Hillary by double digits.

Pugs said...

True. Rarely you will see that Latino support a black candidate. Inherently they hate each other. The only excetion to the rule are Puerto Ricans. Sounds racist but entirely true...