Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Are You Serious?...

So last night I am watching my new favorite show "Wipeout" and they break into programing for a special announcement: "Angelina Jolie checks into hospital to deliver twins".

ARE YOU SERIOUS? I like her and all but give me a GD break.

There are millions of people being tortured and starved around the world. People are being beaten senseless and forced to vote for a total tyrant in sham elections, gas prices have caused the global economy to shit the bed and we are more interested in Brangelina's babies popping out?

Are they going to broadcast her stubbing her toe next? Totally ridiculous...


Metro said...

I've long held the belief that celebutard journalism exists to distract the idiots in our society from what's really happening ... Whatever you think that may be.

Pugs said...

Sounds so calculated. I agree!