Monday, July 21, 2008

Coincidence? Probably Not...

Okay, this is going to sound far fetched but it has happened entirely too many times to be a coincidence. Last Friday's latest hijack kinda set me off.

I think a certain other blogger is ripping off my material.

There, I've said it. It seems that when I post a totally bizarre story it interestingly enough shows up on his site either later that same day or the day after with the same link associated with the story.

Now, I know that it is a free country and all but dude, DO YOUR OWN FUCKING RESEARCH! Or at least thank me for finding the article. A few friends have said that I should either change the URL of my site or kill off this one and start anew. Unfortunately, I have worked my ass off getting this one where it is so I think that I'll stay put...for now.

So shady and lame and you know who you are...Mario.

It is kind of flattering in a way but at the same time a little gratitude would be nice. That's all I'm saying...

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