Monday, July 21, 2008

Here We Go Again...

"Missing Fort Bliss Soldier Found Alive, Sister Says "

Not another one...

Why is it all of a sudden all these military men are fucking offing their wives? Seems like this is becoming more commonplace as of late.

Don't they do psychological testing on their inductees or are they just taking any disturbed individual and putting a uniform on them?

I think the punishment needs to be more harsh for this kind of crap as they are basically police officers for the nation. Thank God this one turned out better than the rest. They are usual found in a pile of ashes in the guy's back yard...


Metro said...

Well this husband wasn't, himself a soldier.

As to the question of recruiting anyone with a whole body, never mind the brain--the US army used never to recruit criminals. Now they've gone in for recruiting gangs, white racists, and suchlike upstanding citizens, to keep bodies on the ground in unpopular places like Iraq.

From the Guardian:
"The felons accepted into the army and marines included 87 soldiers convicted of assault or maiming, 130 convicted of non-marijuana drug offences, seven convicted of making terrorist threats, and two convicted of indecent behaviour with a child. Waivers were also granted to 500 burglars and thieves, 19 arsonists and 9 sex offenders."

(Bolding mine)

Be ... All that you can be ...

Pugs said...

That doesn't surprise me as the incidents of misconduct of our soldiers have increased in other coutries. For example the rapes of the girls in Okinawa, th eidiots who shoot innocent civilians in Iraq...