Friday, July 11, 2008

Drama In The Parking Garage...

So...This morning I was tongue lashed by an ugly women with a bad wig. What, you say? Well, it all started with a simple question...

I am driving into the parking garage and parking in my usual area when I see this guy wearing a Hawaiian shirt and jeans. No big deal, right?

So I park and get out of my truck and then see another guy (I used to work with him before he transferred to another floor) wearing a Hawaiian shirt and jeans also. No big deal, right?

So I walk to the elevator and see ANOTHER person, this time an older haggish looking creature wearing a very bad wig, which was on slightly crooked and quite possibly had a chin strap, who was also wearing a Hawaiian shirt and jeans. So I ask her, "Is it Hawaiian shirt day on one of the floors?". She then precedes to rip me a new asshole and claims that I am being rude by having the nerve to ask her that. She also screams a question as to whether she should return home and change just to satisfy my fashion taste. The first thing I thought was "Fuck you", but instead of saying that I tell her, not only was her response rude but she should leave her crabbiness at home before she comes to work Crabby McCrab, (yes I did call her that).

So we are walking out and I didn't bother to hold the door for her...

My question is this, Was it entirely rude of me to ask that question or was this Harpie just looking for a fight?


Metro said...

I'll pick answer "B" and yes that's my final answer :-)

Wait a minute--this was in a public parking garage on your way to work?


World's just too fulla people, sometimes.

Pugs said...

I think she needs to be "on tablets" as the English would say...and yes, I was accosted in public. I will never be the same...